HP StorageWorks XP Provisioning Manager User Guide (December 2005)

LUN (logical unit number): A number for identifying a logical unit (LU).
LUN security Functionality designed to limit the hosts that are able to access LUs within a storage
subsystem. Only hosts (WWNs) for which this function has been used to set a port in a
storage subsystem can access the LUs on the path routed through this port.
LUSE (LU size expansion): An LU composed of multiple LDEVs. You can create a LUSE on
StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000, StorageWorks XP1024/XP128, StorageWorks
P-VOL (primary volume): The original volume of the replication created by Business Copy XP,
Continuous Access XP, Snapshot XP.
port A storage subsystem connection to which a cable is connected. This connection resides
on a channel adapter.
provisioning plan A name associated with a set of volume attributes (parameters). A provisioning plan is
used to select a volume from a storage pool, by specifying particular conditions that the
volume must satisfy.
RAID level Used to classify types of redundancy. Defined RAID levels include RAID 0, RAID 1,
RAID 6, and other RAID levels.
Raw device A device for an LU that is in the subsystem assigned to the host. A raw device is the
same as a block device or a character device for Solaris™, AIX
, Linux, and HP-UX,
and a device for Windows
. It is different from the devices in /dev/raw for Linux.
SDS Solstice Disk Suite
SVM Solaris
Volume Manager
S-VOL (secondary volume): A replication-destination volume, which is replicated by Business
Copy XP or Continuous Access XP functionality.
SLPR (storage logical partition): A function that partitions the subsystem resources, such as
logical devices, cache, and ports, for each user in order to make them invisible to other
users. This is a StorageWorks XP12000/XP10000-specific function.
SP-VOL (secondary primary volume): When you use the cascade functionality of Business Copy
XP, you can create a copy pair (in the second layer) whose P-VOL (primary volume) is
an S-VOL (secondary volume) of another copy pair (in the top layer). The volume that is
specified as an S-VOL in the top layer and also as a P-VOL in the second layer is called
storage pool A logical area that is created by classifying storage volumes in a storage subsystem.
Storage pools are mapped to user groups using a mechanism provided by the My
Storage function. The scope of storage that a user can access is the storage pool
assigned to the user group to which the user belongs, and the storage pools of the user
groups under that user group. Users can manage storage without having to be aware of
the detailed hardware specifications of the storage subsystem.
user group A group of users defined by Device Manager to limit the storage and hosts in a network
managed by Device Manager that can be accessed by users. User groups can be
hierarchically structured in a tree-like structure. Device Manager is also used to register
users into these user groups.
Volume A term unique to Provisioning Manager that indicates a storage volume (LU or LUSE)
on the storage subsystem allocated to the host. With Device Manager, it is referred to as
VxVM VERITAS™ Volume Manager
WWN (world wide name): A unique 64-bit value assigned to each device or port for connecting
a fibre channel.