HP StorageWorks XP Provisioning Manager User Guide (December 2005)

accessible hosts, viewing list of, 107
Adding: file system, 111
AIX OS: and Dynamic Link
Manager, 66; big vg Format
Volume Group, 65;
expansion/deletion restrictions, 62;
file system check at startup, 65;
file system/device file restrictions,
63; improving performance, 65;
mount point directory, deleting, 66;
unit of volume management, 65
AIX OS, RAID functionality with, 65
allocated volumes on host, viewing
list of, 96
allocation plan: Adding, 51; Deleting,
51; Editing, 136; public or private
setting, 135; viewing, 135
browser language setting, 28
caution: Dynamic Link Manager,
104; fragment size, 71;
management units, 71; SDS/SVM,
cluster resource, using AIX host as,
cluster software, 54
data assets, increased, 21
data path, 123, 133; viewing, 133
data path for mount point, viewing,
Delete Allocation Plan - PlanName
dialog box, 52, 69, 70
deleting file system, 121
detailed view of storage pools, 42
device file: Adding, 126; creating,
48; deleting, 50
device file information: Viewing, 125
device file paths, viewing
information about, 130
device file, deleting, 131
device files, managing, 125
Device Manager, 17
Device Manager agent: operating
with, 44; operating without, 44
disk space: saving with AIX OS, 65;
saving with Solaris OS, 61
diskpart.exe, 54, 59
Dynamic Link Manager, 17, 104
Dynamic Link Manager operations,
Error messages, 165
expand file system, confirming
settings for, 119
Expanding: file system, 117
file system: Adding, 111; creating,
45; creating with volume manager,
46; creating without volume
manager, 46; deleting, 48, 68;
expanding, 47, 67; Expanding,
file system check: at Solaris OS
startup, 62
file system information: Viewing, 110
file system information, viewing for a
mount point, 116
file system, deleting, 121
file systems mounted on hosts,
viewing list of, 107
file systems, managing, 110
file systems, manipulating, 45
fragment size: caution, 71
GUI, single for multiple systems, 15
HDLM, Provisioning Manager with,
Help, 35
host information: preparing to view,
104; updating, 45, 109; viewing,
45; viewing list of accessible
hosts, 107
host management: restrictions on,
54; Windows restrictions on, 54
host management, Solaris OS, 58;
expansion and deletion, 59; file
system restrictions, 60; improving
performance, 61; with shared
volume group, 60
host management, Windows: and
misrecognition, 57; deleting mount
point directory, 57; file system and
device size, 57; performance
improvement, 57; RAID
functionality, 57; when file system
is removed, 57
host volume, allocating from list of
allocated volumes, 97
host volume, allocating from list of
unallocated volumes, 94
host, viewing detailed information
about, 108
hosts, managing, 45
hot management, Solaris OS: unit of
volume management, 61
HP-UX: restrictions on host
management, 71
information frame, 35
interrupt, 139
KAIC, 166
KAIE, 166
KAPM, 166
KDJE, 166
license information, viewing, 30
limitations: unsupported volumes, 59
Linux: restrictions on host
management, 66
log usage, Solaris OS, 62
logging in to Provisioning Manager,
logical volume for JFS log, creating,
menu bar frame, 33
Message dialog example, 166
message ID, 165
method frame, 35
mount point directory, deleting, 57
mount point directory, deleting in
Solaris OS, 62
moving volumes between storage
pools, 101
object address, 35
operation, resuming after
interruption, 139
parameters, setting, 114
Points to be checked before logging
into Provisioning Manager, 27
pop-up dialog boxes, 36
prerequisites: diskpart.exe, 54
primary volume, 200
Provisioning Manager: before
logging in, 27; components, 16;
features, 14; information frame,
35; installing, 17; menu bar frame,
33; method frame, 35; navigation
frame, 33; operations, 18;
overview of installing, 18; pop-up
dialog boxes, 36; programs related
to, 17; registering, 30; starting
operations, 31; using, 19; viewing
license information, 30
Provisioning Manager server URL,
Provisioning Manager windows,
using, 32
Provisioning Plan: creating, 50;
managing, 134
Provisioning Plan perspective, 43
provisioning plans, making, 134