HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

The command executed with the -v option displays this information.
A hyphen (-) is displayed for any item that cannot be displayed. If none of the items can be displayed,
an error message is displayed.
Each item is separated by a space.
-target storage-group-names
Specifies that information relating to a certain storage group that will be displayed. When specifying
multiple storage groups to be displayed, use a comma to separate each group name. Use double
quotation marks (") to enclose all storage group names that contain at least one space character.
If this option is omitted, information pertaining to all storage groups on the server on which the
command was executed will be displayed.
-target Information-Store-name
Specify this option to display information related to a particular Information Store. To display multiple
Information Stores, use a comma to separate each Information Store name. Use double quotation
marks (") to enclose any Information Store names that contain at least one space character.
If this option is omitted, information for all Information Stores on the server on which the command is
executed will be displayed.
-f target-definition-file-name
Specify this option to display information related to specific storage groups or Information Stores.
Unlike the -target option, the -f option lets you specify a target definition file, which contains all
the storage groups or Information Stores for which information is to be displayed. The target definition
file containing the list of storage groups or Information Stores must be created before you use this
option. Use an absolute path to specify the target definition file.
Specifies that you want to display only information relating to the transaction logs. This option will
display the following information:
The name of the transaction log file
File system information
Logical volume structure information
Physical disk information
When you specify this option with the -target option or -f option, only information pertaining to
the transaction log of the specified storage group or Information Store will be displayed when this
option is specified. If either the -target or the -f option is omitted, information pertaining to all
transaction logs of all storage groups or Information Stores will be displayed.
Specifies that only information relating to the data file will be displayed. This option will display the
following information:
The name of the data file
File system information
Logical volume structure information
Physical disk information
When you specify this option with the -target option or -f option, only information pertaining to
the data file of the specified storage group or Information Store will be displayed when this option is
Application Agent CLI Reference Guide 207