HP XP P9000 Replication Manager Software 7.6.0-00 Application Agent CLI Reference Guide

Specify this option when you want to use extended functions. You must specify -exopt to specify
another option. However, you can omit -exopt if you specify neither the -force nor -bup_env
-mount_pt mount-point-directory-name
Specify the name of the mount point directory on which the secondary volume is to be mounted. The
secondary volume is mounted at the specified mount point, and data is backed up from the secondary
volume to a tape device.
Specify the mount point directory name by using an absolute path or a drive letter.
The mount point directory name must satisfy the following:
Maximum number of characters: Path lengths to be specified must comply with the specifications
of the mount and unmount functions provided by RAID Manager.
Make sure that the length of the path on which the backup-target output volume has been mounted
in the disk backup, as well as the length of the path on which the secondary volume is to be
mounted in the tape device backup, are within the above limits.
Characters: Characters that can be used for directory names in Windows (excluding space char-
If you specify a drive for the mount point directory name, the command searches for unused drive
names in alphabetical order beginning from the specified drive, and then mounts the secondary
volume on the first drive found.
If you specify an absolute path from the drive letter as the mount point directory name, the command
mounts the secondary volume on the following location:
When a primary volume is mounted on C:\p_mnt\ and the mount point directory name specified
for the -mount_pt option is D:\s_mnt\, the mount destination of the secondary volume is D:\
Even if the path does not end with a backslash (\), the command assumes that a backslash has been
specified. For example, D: and D:\ are assumed to be the same drive. D:\MOUNTDIR and D:\
MOUNTDIR\ are assumed to be the same directory.
If you omit this option, the following mount point is used:
Any drive not being used when the extended command is executed.
Specify this option when you want to back up the secondary volume as a raw device. When this
extended command backs up the secondary volume as a raw device, the command does not mount
the secondary volume and performs a backup for each logical volume.
When this option is omitted, the extended command backs up the secondary volume as a file system
(or a database).
Specify this option to forcibly mount the secondary volume. If you specify this option and the copy
group name of the primary volume obtained during backup processing on the file server (or the
database server) matches the file server (or the database server) information, the extended command
forcibly mounts the secondary volume, even if the LDEV or SERIAL numbers do not match.
Extended commands42