Application Discovery 7.2 User Guide

agent_config -- Access Application Discovery Certificate on Managed System
Path: /opt/amgr/bin/agent_config
agent_config -a [-dir config_directory]
agent_config -amx
agent_config -c
agent_config -printAgentTrust
agent_config -r
agent_config -start
agent_config -stop
The agent_config command allows you to interact with an Application Discovery agent to
exchange or print its SSL certificate or to remove a counterpart CMS certificate, to check the status
of the agent, and to start or stop an AD agent.
You can use agent_config remotely from the System Insight Manager graphical user interface
or from the command line on a managed system. You will need root access to use this command.
If no options are specified, the usage string is printed, and the command exits.
The agent_config command recognizes the following options.
-a Copies CMS certificate from standard input to directory specified
by config_directory. First line following this is expected to
be the name of the CMS. Agent certificate is printed to standard
-amx Print agent certificate to standard output.
-c Check agent state on a managed node.
-dir config_directory Destination to which to copy the certificate.
-printAgentTrust Print the trusted certificate of the Application Discovery agent.
-pushWbemAccessList Store Application Discovery WBEM provider access list from
standard input.
-r Remove the target CMS certificate from a managed node.
-start Start the agent as a daemon on a managed node.
-stop Stop the agent on a managed node.
The agent_config command can be installed from a depot available on the software depot
page for HP Matrix Operating Environment. For installation instructions, please visit the web site
at the following URL:
0 The command completed successfully; no errors were detected.
1 An error occurred and the command did not complete successfully.
3 Unrecognized command parameters are detected.
4 Missing post-install configuration of AD agent is detected.