HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) Version 2.0 User Guide

Table Of Contents
8. On the Security tab, make any necessary changes. When all changes are complete, click
Apply. If additional changes are required on other tabs, click the appropriate tab. When
finished, click OK.
Removing a network
Networks that do not contain Zones that any SPM service depends on and also don’t contain any
Endpoints that any other resource in SPM depends on can be removed from the catalog. This state
can easily be detected by anyone that has privileges to view networks as they will see that there
are zero endpoints listed in the Endpoints tab and zero zones listed in the Zones tab.
NOTE: This process will remove the network and any endpoints and or zones that are members
of the network in question. If there are other resources and/or service that are dependent on any
endpoints or zones that are members of the network in question SPM services will be marked as
nonconformant and future get candidates calls will have fewer selections.
To remove a network:
NOTE: If a network is being used to fulfill the requirements of a storage service, that service will
become Nonconformant if the network is removed from the SPM catalog. The service will remain
Nonconformant until the network is imported back into the SPM catalog, the service has been
reconfigured, and a new candidate has been selected and activated.
1. In the Navigation tree, select Networks.
The list of available networks appears in the content pane.
2. From the content pane, select the appropriate network.
The properties for the selected network are displayed.
3. Click Remove Network at the bottom of the window. (Alternatively, right-click the volume
service and select Remove Network.)
The Remove Network verification dialog box appears.
4. Click Remove Network in the verification box.
Managing security
The SPM storage catalog contains all the entities—every service template, storage service, array,
storage pool, volume, network, role, security group—the user adds to the catalog.
Create security roles
A set of default security roles is included with SPM that will handle simple scenarios. This set can
be changed or extended as desired. The default roles include:
NOTE: In addition to these roles, the following roles are defined in order to facilitate use of SPM
with Matrix OE: Matrix Architect, Matrix Administrator, Matrix Service and Matrix User.
Storage architect — Sets policy
Storage administrator — Manages storage services and resource consumption
Storage operator — Monitors storage services and resource consumption
Consumer — Consumes storage services
Role creation is handled in the Roles section of Administration.
1. In the Navigation tree select Roles under Administration.
The Roles page appears in the content pane.
Managing security 41