HP Storage Provisioning Manager (SPM) Version 2.0 User Guide

Table Of Contents
A StorageArrayDefinition is the root object within an unmanaged array XML file. Each such file
must contain exactly one StorageArrayDefinition object. These objects define a class of storage
arrays, and may define several instances of the class.
Optional unique object identifier.StringObjectID
Zero or more MapItem objects,
mapping HostMode values to array host
Sequence of MapItem objectsHostmodeMap
Zero or more MapItem objects mapping
device specific RAID identifiers to SPM
specific RAID identifiers.
Sequence of MapItem objectsRAIDMap
Zero or more StorageArray objects
describing an instance of this
Sequence of StorageArray objectsArrays
Within a StorageArrayDefinition, the HostmodeMap relates operating systems as understood by
SPM to host modes understood by storage arrays of this type. A HostmodeMap is a sequence of
MapItems, each of which has two elements: Index, and Value, both of which are strings. Operating
Systems known by SPM include the literals listed below. These should be found within the Index
element of a MapItem. The HostmodeMap is interpreted sequentially and may end with a default
item (indicated by “*” in the Index of the last MapItem), describing the host mode for all operating
systems not mentioned specifically earlier in the map. If no default item is present, any values not
in the map are regarded as not supported by the device. The special value “Unsupported” may
be placed in the Value element of a MapItem in the HostmodeMap to indicate that the operating
system indicated in the Index element of that MapItem is not supported by the StorageArray.
OperatingSystem Literals
HPUX, Linux, OpenVMS, VMware, Windows, Windows2008
The RAIDMap element of a StorageArrayDefinition relates RAID levels as understood by SPM to
those understood by storage arrays of this type. A RAIDMap is a sequence of MapItems, each of
which contains an Index and a Value, both of which are strings. Supported RAID levels within SPM
are listed below. Any values not specified in the map are regarded as unsupported by the device.
The RAIDMap may end with a MapItem containing “*” in the Index element, indicating how the
StorageArray handles any RAID levels not already mentioned in the RAIDMap. The special value
“Unsupported” may be placed in the Value element of a MapItem to indicate that the RAID level
indicated in the Index element of that MapItem is not supported by the StorageArray.
The Arrays element of a StorageArrayDefinition contains a sequence of zero or more StorageArray
objects. StorageArray objects are described in StorageArray. Although the XML schema allows
an empty sequence of StorageArray objects, such a case is ignored by SPM. To be meaningful,
a StorageArrayDefinition should contain at least one StorageArray object. Each StorageArray
object represents one instance of the type of storage array described by the StorageArrayDefinition.
80 Working with unmanaged arrays