HP DDS/DAT tape drives UNIX, Linux and OpenVMS configuration guide (DW049-90930, May 2010)

OO 15 0/0/2/1.0.0 UsbBulkOnlyMS CLAIMED DEVICE USB Bulk Only
disk 5 0/0/2/1.0.16 UsbScsiAdaptor CLAIMED DEVICE USB SCSI Stack Adaptor
OO 16 0/0/2/1.1 UsbMiniBus CLAIMED INTERFACE USB Composite Device
OO 5 0/0/2/1.1.0 UsbBootMouse CLAIMED DEVICE USB Boot Protocol Mouse
OO 12 0/0/2/2 UsbEhci CLAIMED INTERFACE USB EHCI Interface
ba 1 0/1 lba CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot 0 0/1/1 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
slot 1 0/1/2 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
graphics 0 0/1/2/0 gvid_core CLAIMED INTERFACE PCI Display (10025157)
ba 2 0/2 lba CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot 2 0/2/1 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
ba 3 0/3 gh2p CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local Bus Adapter
slot 3 0/3/0/0/0 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
ba 5 0/4 lba CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot 4 0/4/1 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
escsi_ctlr 0 0/4/1/0 sasd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP PCI/PCI-X SAS MPT Adapter
ext_bus 0 0/4/1/0.0.0 sasd_vbus CLAIMED INTERFACE SAS Device Interface
target 1 0/4/1/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
disk 2 0/4/1/ sdisk CLAIMED DEVICE HP DG036A9BB6
slot 5 0/4/2 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
lan 0 0/4/2/0 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan 1 0/4/2/1 iether CLAIMED INTERFACE HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
ba 6 0/5 lba CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot 6 0/5/1 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
ba 7 0/6 gh2p CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local Bus Adapter
ba 9 0/6/0/0/0/0 PCItoPCI CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS PCItoPCI Bridge
ba 10 0/6/0/0/0/0/0/0 PCItoPCI CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS PCItoPCI Bridge
slot 7 0/6/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
ba 11 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0 PCItoPCI CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS PCItoPCI Bridge
slot 8 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
escsi_ctlr 1 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0/0 sasd CLAIMED INTERFACE HP PCI-E SAS MPT Adapter
ext_bus 1 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0/0.0.0 sasd_vbus CLAIMED INTERFACE SAS Device Interface
target 0 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0/ tgt CLAIMED DEVICE
tape 8 0/6/0/0/0/0/1/0/0/ stape CLAIMED DEVICE HP DAT320
ba 12 0/7 gh2p CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Local Bus Adapter
ba 13 0/7/0/0 PCItoPCI CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS PCItoPCI Bridge
slot 9 0/7/0/0/0 pci_slot CLAIMED SLOT PCI Slot
processor 0 120 processor CLAIMED PROCESSOR Processor
processor 1 121 processor CLAIMED PROCESSOR Processor
ba 14 250 pdh CLAIMED BUS_NEXUS Core I/O Adapter
ipmi 0 250/0 ipmi CLAIMED INTERFACE IPMI Controller
tty 3 250/1 asio0 CLAIMED INTERFACE Built-in RS232C
acpi_node 0 250/2 acpi_node CLAIMED INTERFACE Acpi Hardware
For 11i v3 (Agile I/O tree view)
Enter the command:
% ioscan -m lun
The output should look similar to the following
which includes a DAT 320 SAS drive. Fibre Channel
tape drives have a similar format in this type of ioscan output:
Class I Lun H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Health Description
disk 3 64000/0xfa00/0x0 esdisk CLAIMED DEVICE online HP DG036A9BB6
/dev/disk/disk3 /dev/disk/disk3_p2 /dev/rdisk/disk3 /dev/rdisk/disk3_p2
/dev/disk/disk3_p1 /dev/disk/disk3_p3 /dev/rdisk/disk3_p1 /dev/rdisk/disk3_p3
tape 9 64000/0xfa00/0x10 estape CLAIMED DEVICE online HP DAT320
/dev/rtape/tape9_BEST /dev/rtape/tape9_BESTb /dev/rtape/tape9_BESTn /dev/rtape/tape9_BESTnb
For a given SAS device the SAS address can be obtained from the Lun H/W Path. For example:
The lunpath hardware path for the above tape drive is 0/2/0/0/0/
The SAS bus ID is 0/2/0/0/0/0 (including all the numbers separated by /).
From the remaining 0x500110a0013091b8.0x0 portion:
Note that device files (such as /dev/rtape/tape9_BEST) may or may not be in place initially.
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