Data Protector Cluster Cell Manager Configuration and Integration on RHCS

Status: All Data Protector relevant processes/services up and running.
$ rg_test test cluster.conf stop service dps
Running in test mode.
Stopping dps...
<info> Executing /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv stop
HP Data Protector services successfully stopped.
<warning>Dropping node-wide NFS locks
<info> unmounting /dev/mapper/DP_Grp-DP_Vol (/FileShare)
<info> Removing IPv4 address from eth0
Stop of dps complete
$ /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv status
ProcName Status [PID]
rds : Down
crs : Down
mmd : Down
kms : Down
omnitrig: Down
uiproxy : Down
Sending of traps disabled.
Status: At least one of Data Protector relevant processes/services is
not running.
Deploying the Data Protector Cluster Cell Manager to live
The cluster Cell Manager created on the RHCS can be deployed in the real environment by starting
the ‘cman’ and ‘rgmanagerservices as follow:
$service cman start
$service rgmanager start
To start the Data Protector cluster service on the primary node, execute the following command:
$/opt/omni/sbin/omnisv start
Also try to relocate the Data Protector cluster service on the secondary node by running the
relocate command