Brocade Fabric OS Message Reference Guide (53-1000242-01, November 2006)

Fabric OS Message Reference 37-1
Publication Number: 53-1000242-01
KSWD System Messages
Indicates a warning state within the system.
A critical application error was reported in the watchdog subsystem. Refer to the string at the end of the
error message for specific information. The switch will reboot (on single-CP switches) or failover (on
dual-CP switches).
The warning message will be any one of the following:
<Detected unexpected termination of: <daemon name>>
Probable Cause: One of the critical daemons ended unexpectedly.
<<daemon name> failed to refresh SWD*** Sending SIGABRT to pid <process id number>>
Probable Cause: One of the critical daemons is found to be nonresponsive; sending signal abort.
Run the saveCore command to find if any core files were created. If a core file is found, FTP all core
files to a secure server location.
Copy the warning message, any core file information, and contact your switch service provider.
Severity WAR NIN G
<timestamp>, [KSWD-1003], <sequence-number>, FFDC, WARNING,
<system-name>, kSWD: <Warning message>