HP ProLiant Storage Server Release Notes (January 2006)

Issue: Secure Path Manager displays Unable to complete your request error window
Description Accessing Secure Path Manager through the WebUI Secure Path Manager page
may return an Unable to complete your request due to added
security features error dialog box and a Security Alert dialog box. These
dialog boxes are benign and are caused by the WebUI pointing to Secure Path
Manager unsecured HTTP port 2301 instead of the required Secure Path
Manager secured HTTPS port 2381.
Workaround Click Yes on the Security Alert dialog box to display the HP Insight
Manager/Secure Path Manager login page at port 2381. Log in and access
Secure Path Manager.
Issue: Rapid startup wizard does not function if a network interface has not been enabled
Description Rapid startup wizard does not function if a network interface has not been
Workaround Before using the rapid startup wizard in the WebUI, ensure that at least one
network interface has been enabled.
Issue: In Storage Reports, the Japanese folder names are not displayed correctly
Description This issue appears in the folder name displayed on the tool tip of the pie chart
version of the storage report.
Workaround HP engineers are working to resolve this issue.
Issue: Enable boot floppy feature in the WebUI does not work
Description The enable boot floppy feature in the WebUI does not work.
Workaround If a floppy boot is required, use the ROM-Based Setup Utility (press F9 during
system boot) to enable the floppy on boot.
Issue: WebUI pages have errors when logged in as a domain administrator
Description Some pages in the DL585 Storage Server WebUI have an error when you are
running the WebUI logged in as a domain administrator.
Workaround Add localhost and the IP address of the system to the trusted zone to allow the
WebUI to work correctly.
Issue: WebUI Rapid Startup wizard does not change administrator password
Description In the Rapid Startup wizard administrator account page, enter a password that
does not meet complexity requirements. WebUI correctly displays a message
indicating requirements are not met. Go back and enter a password that does
meet requirements. The Rapid Startup wizard completes with no error, but the
password is not changed.
Workaround The administrator password may be changed via the remote desktop.
Issue: Cannot create shadow copies if multiple volumes are selected
Description If multiple volumes are selected and one or more volumes is smaller than
350 MB, the shadow copy will fail.
Workaround When multiple volumes are selected for creating shadow copies, make sure that
all volumes are larger than 350 MB.