3.7.0 HP StorageWorks HP Scalable NAS File Serving Software upgrade guide HP Scalable NAS for Linux (AG513-96005, October 2009)

8. Either reboot the server or run the following commands:
a. Stop HP Scalable NAS:
# /etc/init.d/pmxs stop
b. Unload the HP Scalable NAS modules:
# /etc/init.d/pmxs unload
c. Start multipath services:
# /etc/init.d/multipathd start
d. Restart HP Scalable NAS:
# /etc/init.d/pmxs start
Update the fc_pcitable file
Update the entry for your FibreChannel Adapter device driver as described below.
Format of the fc_pcitable file
The /etc/opt/hpcfs/fc_pcitable file contains entries only for the drivers
installed on your system. By default, the entries in the file are commented out, as
indicated by the comment character (#). The file is used only if you add a new entry
to the file or modify a default entry (by removing the comment character and then
changing the appropriate values).
Each line in the file contains six fields, as shown in the following example for the
default qla2x00 driver:
0x1077 0x2200 qla2x00 scsi "" QLogic 2200 Adapter
The fields contain the following information:
Vendor ID.
Device ID.
Driver name. Do not include .o in the name.
Path. If the path begins with /, it is considered to be an absolute path. Other-
wise, it is considered to be relative to the /opt/hpcfs/lib/modules/current
Options, enclosed in double quotes, to pass to insmod when it loads the driver.
A text description of the driver.
HP Scalable NAS File Serving Software upgrade guide 107