MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 11
Syntax: ParmName [ = value ]
supplying a value means the parameter is optional. If no value
is defined the parameter is considered required.
max parm name is 255 bytes, chars A-Z, 0-9, “_
max parm value is limited by the CIs command buffer size
(currently 511 characters)
all parm values are un-typed, regardless of quoting
Parms are separated by a space, comma or semicolon
default value may be a: number, string, !variable, ![expression],
an earlier defined parm (!parm)
all parameters must be explicitly referenced in the UDC/script
body, e.g. !parmname
the scope of a parm is the body of the UDC/script