MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 29
PARM fileset=./@
# This script reads a file produced by LISTFILE,6 and measures CPU msecs
# using PRINT as an intermediate step
setvar savecpu hpcpumsecs
errclear :readprnt
continue 735 msecs to read 22 records
listfile !fileset,6 > lftemp 3 times slower than MSG files
if hpcierr = 0 then
# read listfile names into a variable :readprnt
setvar cntr 0 74478 msecs to read 1515 recs
setvar eof finfo('lftemp',"eof") over 4 times slower than MSG files!
while setvar(cntr, cntr+1) <= eof do
print lftemp; start=!cntr;end=!cntr > lftemp1
input rec <lftemp1
echo ![hpcpumsecs - savecpu] msecs to read !eof records.
deletevar cntr,eof,rec
File I/O - :print