MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 42
Production version (cont)
# Now append CM program files to the same MSG file (progf).
# This means that the output will not be in alphabetic order!
listfile !fileset,6;seleq=[code=PROG] >>*x
setvar peof finfo('*x','eof')
if hpcierr > 0 then
# got an error, maybe the progf file is full? Cannot display progf as
# above since it could contain NMPRG files. Also cannot print a subset of
# progf since FPOINT fails on MSG files.
echo !hpcierrmsg
elseif hpcierr < 0 then
# It would be nice to remove the last two records from progf, but
# since it is a MSG file we cannot use :PRINT ;start=eof to do this.
# Ignore the warn but remember the warn text is in progf!
setvar peof peof-2
echo The following programs (out of !peof) have PM
setvar pcnt 0
(... the read WHILE loop follows...)