MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 56
RecentCI enhancements
extended POSIX filename characters
new CI functions: anyparm, basename, dirname, fqualify,
fsyntax, jobcnt, jinfo, pinfo, wordcnt, xword
new CI variables: hpdatetime, hpdoy, hphhmmssmmm,
hpleapyear, hpmaxpin, hpyyyymmdd
new CI commands: abortproc, newci, newjobq, purgejobq,
enhanced commands: INPUT from console, FOS store-to-
disk, :SHOWVAR to see another job/sessions’ variables,
:COPY to= a directory, :ALTJOB HIPRI and jobq=, :LIMIT +-N
:HELP shows all CI variables, functions, ONLINEINFO, NEW
user functions, e.g. if myFunc( a, true,10) > b then ...