MPE/iX - CI Programming for Stability

July 18, 2008 HP World '01 70
evaluated during the execution of the command -- later than explicit
makes for more readable scripts
variable type is preserved -- no need for quotes, like: “!varname
only 5 commands accept implicit referencing: CALC, ELSEIF, IF,
SETVAR, WHILE -- all others require explicit referencing
all CI function parameters accept implicit referencing
variables inside ![expression] may be implicitly referenced
performance differences:
HPUSER + .+ HPACCOUNT = OP.SYS 4370 msec
HPUSER = OPand HPACCOUNT = SYS 4455 msec*
(*with user match true)
I prefer the last choice since many times :IF will not need to evaluate the
expression after the AND
Implicit referencing -
just varname