HP ProtectTools Security Software 2010 - Technical White Paper

Support for smart cards (including HP ProtectTools Java C ards), biometric fingerprint security, TPM
embedded security chips, USB tokens, virtua l to ke ns a nd passwords
Single sign-on capability manages and protects passwords for websites, applications and network
Table 2 shows the features and benefits of Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools.
Table 2. Credential Manager for HP ProtectTools features and benefits
Fea t u r e Benefit
Multifactor authentication support Brings together the available (integrated and add-on) secur i ty
technologies on a PC into a cohesive and unique behavior that utilizes
these technologies to authenticate users based on user preferences.
Microsoft W indows logon
Enables the use of any supported security technology to logon to
W indows providing a more secure and convenient alternative to
password authentication.
Single sign-o n ma nag es user
credentials f o r w ebsi tes,
applications and protected
network resources
Users no longer need to remember multiple passwords for protected
websites, applications and network resources.
Single sign-
on works with multifactor authentication capabilities to add
additional protection requiring users to re-authenticate when accessing
particularly sensitive data.
Registering new websites, applications or network logon dialogues is
si mp le, making it easy for users to begin taking advantage of the
added convenience and security.
Central management for HP ProtectTools
Central Management for HP ProtectTools is developed in partnership with DigitalPersona, and is
available in two configurations: DigitalPe r so n a Pr o Enterprise and DigitalPersona Pro W orkgroup.
Central Management allows administrators to create and deploy role based policies, revoke a ccess
and recover users w i th lost cred enti a ls. DigitalPersona Pro Enterprise is designed for small to medium
b usi nesses and enter pri ses tha t use A cti ve Di r ectory. It allo w s a d mi ni str ato rs to leverage Active
Directory for maximum scalability. Figure 5 shows the key features of HP ProtectTools with
DigitalPersona Pro. DigitalPersona Pro W orkgroup makes central management accessible to smaller
organizations without Active Directory through simplicity of design and deployment, and attractive
per seat cost. DigitalPersona Pro W orkgroup i s a self-contained solution with no special server
hardware requirements. It makes security easy to deploy by allowing administrators to create role
based policies and implement them within the workgroup. Security keys are managed centrally and
allow the administrator to recover users with lost credentials. DigitalPersona Pro Workgroup can be
accessed directly from HP ProtectTools and can be deployed for up to five users with no per seat cost.