HP MediaSmart Server - Installation and Troubleshooting Guide

Chapter 5
Troubleshooting Tips for DRM
Table 15: Common Troubleshooting tips for DRM
Question/Issue Answer/Resolution
Why can I play and
stream DRM content my
home computer but I can
not stream it from my HP
MediaSmart Server?
The HP MediaSmart Server includes a media server for streaming iTunes music to PCs running
iTunes through the house. See the section in the User's Guide on iTunes.
For Windows Media DRM (WMDRM) content (protected .wma music and .wmv videos), the HP
MediaSmart server does not support streaming of this content to DMAs at this time. Playing (and
streaming) of WMDRM protected content requires that the device that is playing the content have a
license for the content. When you downloaded the content to your PC, you also received a license
to play the content on that PC. If you copy the files to the HP MediaSmart Server, you cannot copy
or transfer the license to the server. The server must obtain its own license, and we do not provide
for this feature in the current product.
What you can do however, is store your protected content on the HP MediaSmart Server. This allows all
of the PCs in the home that have a license for the content to play it from the HP MediaSmart Server by
accessing it through the network. For example, to add all of the music on your Server to the Windows
Media Player library on your PC:
1 Open Windows Media Player on your PC.
2 Select File -> Add to Media Library -> Add Folder ….
3 In the Add Folder dialog, type \\<YourServerName\Music and click OK.
This will add all of the music files in your Music shared folder on the HP MediaSmart Server to your
Windows Media Player library. You will then be able to play all of the protected content for which
this PC has a license.