HP StorageWorks File Migration Agent V2.1 administrator guide (T4274-96105, October 2006)

138 Appendix
Configure the GDS FTP-Server
1. Create an FTP user.
For creating an FTP user, open a command window and change into the installation directory of the
GDS FTP-Server. Use the htpasswd command as follows:
2. Setup the configuration file.
Open the configuration file ftp_server.cfg with a text editor and enter the corresponding
3. Create an NT service.
Define the GDS FTP-Server as a Windows NT service. Use the following command:
4. Start the FTP service.
To start the FTP service, use the following command:
Uninstall the GDS FTP-Server
1. Open a command window and change into the installation directory of the GDS FTP-Server.
2. Stop the GDS FTP-Server with the following command:
3. Remove the FTP service with the following command:
htpasswd -c GDSFtpServerUsers <newuser>
htpasswd -c GDSFtpServerUsers FmaUser
RootDirectory = g:\FtpRoot
Port = 21
UserFile = c:\program files\Hewlett-Packard\FTPServer\GDSFtpServerUsers
LogFile = c:\program files\Hewlett-Packard\FTPServer\GDSFtpServer.log
GDSFtpServer ftp_server.cfg -i srvany.exe
net start GDSFtpServer
net stop GDSFtpServer
GDSFtpServer -r