HP StorageWorks File Migration Agent V2.1 administrator guide (T4274-96105, October 2006)

File Migration Agent administrator guide 71
FMACLI commands
Enter FMACLI or FMACLI --help to display a list of the available FMACLI commands.
Most commands can be shortened on the first three letters (for example: MIG, REL, REC, INF, ACT, VER,
ERA, REP, ARC, RSA, SYS, VOL, CLE, POL). Only the VERSION command needs four letters (VERS) to
define the short form. There is no short form for the FIND command available.
For a lot of command options (parameter of an FMACLI command) a short form is available. For example
the option --help and -h are the same.
The command options of the FMACLI will be described in the next sections.
This section describes the commands that the FMACLI module supports.
The ACTIVATE command repairs metadata file IDs after restore.
FMACLI --help
usage: FMACLI <command> [command options]
act[ivate] repair file-ids in metadata after restore
arc[hive] display a list of defined archives
cle[anup] remove the archived replica(s) of a deleted file
era[se] delete metadata from one or more file(s)
find find files and write found filenames to a file list
inf[o] display FMA relevant informations of one or more file(s)
mig[rate] migrate files to one or more archive(s)
pol[icy] display or execute a file policy
rec[all] recall one or more released file(s)
rel[ease] release one or more file(s)
rsa display a list of storage adapters and their status
sys[tem] display FMA relevant data and settings
ver[ify] display the result of the verification process
vers[ion] display version info
vol[ume] display a list of managed volumes
For further informations about commands please use FMACLI <command> --help