R3303-HP HSR6800 Routers Network Management and Monitoring Configuration Guide

Configuring Host-monitor
Host-monitor is a traffic monitoring feature that helps quickly identify sources of illegitimate traffic flows
in your network and access basic traffic flow statistics.
This feature automatically imports flow data from NetStream to a host monitor table and allows you to
manually add and delete flow entries. In this table, each flow entry is identified by its source IPv4 address,
destination IPv4 address, IP protocol number, traffic direction (inbound or outbound), interface where the
traffic is monitored, and MPLS L3VPN (optional).
After the host monitor table is populated with all legitimate traffic flows in your network, you can perform
the "fix" action to freeze host monitor table entries. Before you perform that action, all traffic flow entries,
automatically or manually added, are legitimate and set in Unfixed state. After you perform that action,
these flow entries are legitimate with their state changed to Fixed, and all new flow entries automatically
imported from NetStream are illegitimate (or "invalid"). To add new legitimate flows, you must do that
Handle illegitimate flow entries as appropriate. Host-monitor does not take any action on them.
Configuration prerequisites
NetStream has been enabled in the same traffic direction as Host-monitor. For more information about
NetStream, see "Configuring NetStream."
Host-monitor configuration task list
Task Remarks
Enabling Host-monitor Required.
Freezing legitimate flow entries Optional.
Adding legitimate flow entries Optional.
Deleting a legitimate flow entry Optional.
Deleting unfixed flow entries Optional.
Deleting illegitimate flow entries Optional.
Enabling Host-monitor
To enable Host-monitor:
1. Enter system view. system-view N/A