Ignite-UX Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i (B3921-90079, October 2013)

Considerations When Using Veritas Volume Manager from Symantec
If you intend to use or are using VxVM, consider the following issues that impact the
make_[tape|net]_recovery tools:
Ignite-UX only supports cold installing Symantec products that are in an OE depot as shipped
by HP.
HP only supports an environment where the versions of VxFS and VxVM match. For example,
if you install VxFS 4.1, you must also install VxVM 4.1.
Systems with mixed versions of VxVM disk groups are recovered with all disk groups specified
in the recovery image converted to the higher VxVM version. For example, when your recovery
image contains both VxVM 3.5 and 4.1 disk groups, all disk groups are created as VxVM
4.1 disk groups.
If your system has different versions of VxFS and VxVM, such as VxFS 4.1 and VxVM 3.5,
you will still have mixed versions after the system is recovered.
Before an installation is allowed to proceed, Ignite-UX verifies that the correct version of VxVM
is being installed, if the installation is coming from an SD depot. If the installation is coming
from a recovery image or golden image, Ignite-UX will log a note stating it is assumed the
correct version is included in the image. For example, if your disk layout is VxVM 4.1, your
image must contain the VxVM 4.1 software.
Recovery Image Contents
The make_[tape|net]_recovery commands enable you to view and control recovery image
Ignite-UX creates a symbolic link between directories named after the client’s name and its
MAC address. For example, if you had a system with a client name of "longs_peak" and a
MAC address of "0x00306E4C9B54", the directories /var/opt/ignite/clients/
0x00306E4C9B54 and /var/opt/ignite/clients/longs_peak would be symbolically
linked. This chapter uses the client name to reference the directory, but either will work.
The list of essential files to be included in the recovery image is available as a simple text file:
/opt/ignite/recovery/mnr_essentials. This file allows you to see what files and
directories are included in the recovery image by default.
You can specify what additional volume groups, directories, and files you want included, and
what directories and files you want excluded. This is done using simple syntax in the
client-specific content file,
/var/opt/ignite/clients/client/recovery/archive_content, or by using
command line options. You are not restricted to one or two volume groups. You can create a
complete multivolume group recovery image.
You can use the user interface (launched with the -ioption to make_[tape|net]_recovery)
to find out which volume groups and/or disks will be untouched, which will be partially
restored, and which will be restored in full if the recovery image is used, based on the
specifications in the mnr_essentials file and the archive_content file.
You can also use the user interface to edit the archive_content file and dynamically see
the changes in the volume groups and disks that are affected.
The policies for user-specified content are documented in the Recovery Image Configuration
Policies section below.
190 Recovery