Ignite-UX Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i (B3921-90079, October 2013)

C LIF Volume Contents
The logical interchange format (LIF) volume contains portions of content needed for boot and
installation, and is required on any medium used for Ignite-UX boot, installation and recovery,
including network server, root disk (bootsys), tape, and CD/DVD.
The make_medialif command creates the LIF volume. For more information on creating a LIF
volume, see make_medialif(1M).
A Description of the Files in the LIF Volume.
To list the contents of a LIF volume, use the lifls -l lif_volume command. Example output
from lifls -l and descriptions of the files that can be in a LIF volume follow:
# lifls -l /var/tmp/lif
volume ISL10 data size 1953114 directory size 3 07/03/07 10:12:02
filename type start size implement created
ISL -12800 16 242 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
AUTO -12289 264 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
INDEX BIN 272 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
CONFIG BIN 280 84 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
HPUX -12928 368 1024 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
FWWKAR6 BIN 1392 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
FWWKAR7 BIN 1400 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
FWWKAR8 BIN 1408 1 0 07/03/07 10:12:02
WINSTALL -12290 1416 130092 0 07/03/07 10:12:04
WINSTALLFS -12290 131512 128000 0 07/03/07 10:12:04
IINSTALL -12290 259512 544598 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
IINSTALLFS -12290 804112 239616 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
RECCMDS BIN 1043728 1158 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
RECCMDSIA BIN 1044888 2210 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
INSTCMDS BIN 1047104 55663 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
SYSCMDS BIN 1102768 127867 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
INSTCMDSIA BIN 1230640 116929 0 07/03/07 10:12:09
SYSCMDSIA BIN 1347576 214290 0 07/03/07 10:12:10
SCRIPTS BIN 1561872 45 0 07/03/07 10:12:10
PAD BIN 1561920 256 0 07/03/07 10:12:10
The following list describes the files that can be in a LIF volume and, when applicable, identifies
the make_medialif options to include them.
ISL — Initial system loader. The ISL implements the operating system independent portion of
the bootstrap process on PA-RISC systems. It is loaded and executed after self-test and
initialization have completed successfully. If it is run interactively, it issues a prompt and waits
for user interaction. Otherwise it looks for the AUTO file. It is extracted by make_medialif
from the default boot file: /opt/ignite/boot/boot_lif See isl(1M) for more information.
AUTO — Autoexecute file. A file that defines default boot behavior. For PA-RISC systems the
AUTO file is in the LIF volume. For Itanium-based systems, the AUTO file is located in the /opt/
ignite/boot directory. See auto_adm(1M) for more information.
INDEX — Default INDEX file. It groups references to configuration files in clauses in order to
define installation behavior.
CONFIG — Typically contains all the software configuration information and the default file
system layout information. It includes default configuration information for the operating system
release, user-defined configuration information, and information regarding archives and
depots. To create a CONFIG file, you should begin with the default configuration file for the
release. For example, for HP–UX 11i v3 use /opt/ignite/data/Rel_B.11.31/config.
A Description of the Files in the LIF Volume. 235