Ignite-UX Administration Guide for HP-UX 11i (B3921-90080, November 2013)

Figure 1 Ignite-UX Bundles Available in the Ignite-UX Product
(Complete Ignite-UX product)
Depot Name
Bundle Name
HP-UX versions the bundle
can install/recover on client
NOTE: As of Ignite-UX version C.7.1, the name of the Ignite-UX complete product bundle that
installs all supported versions of HP-UX has changed from B5725AA to IGNITE.
Each bundle can be installed on a server running any version of HP-UX. For example,
Ignite-UX-11-23 can be installed on a server running HP-UX 11i v1 (B.11.11). You can install one
or more of the individual Ignite-UX-11-xx bundles onto your system.
HP recommends you install the complete Ignite-UX product (IGNITE) unless you want to block the
use of a specific version of HP-UX, increase the download speed from the Software Depot website,
or conserve disk space on the server.
As a best practice, do not swremove Ignite-UX before updating to a new version. Doing so will
cause some files to be reset, including the INDEX file, thus you will lose any customizations.
IMPORTANT: Installing individual bundles instead of the complete product might cause problems
for Ignite-UX if the complete product was installed previously. See the Installing and Updating
Ignite-UX white paper if you are unsure of what to install to upgrade Ignite-UX. Links to the Ignite-UX
white papers are found at http://www.hp.com/go/ignite-ux-docs.
Ignite-UX Commands and Manpages
The manual pages (manpages) associated with Ignite-UX commands are in the /opt/ignite/
share/doc/ directory, are available in the HP-UX Reference at http://www.hp.com/go/
ignite-ux-docs, and are listed in Table 2 according to the directory the commands are in.
Table 2 Ignite-UX Command Manpages
DescriptionIgnite-UX Command Manpages
Commands in /opt/ignite/bin :
Add a client to an Ignite-UX server without requiring a client boot from
the Ignite-UX server.
Manage logical interchange format (LIF) AUTO configuration files.auto_adm(1M)
Description of auto_adm file formats
Reboot and install systems using Ignite-UX.bootsys(1M)
Compare the files on a running system with a recovery archive made
with make_net_recovery.
Compare the files on a running system with a recovery archive made
with make_tape_recovery.
Replicate a PA-RISC boot tape.copy_boot_tape(1M)
Configure, install, and recover HP-UX systems.ignite(5)
Ignite-UX Commands and Manpages 13