HP Insight Cluster Management Utility v7.1 User Guide

7. Select one of these kernels, and then click OK. The diskless image building process launches.
This operation might last several minutes while files copy from all file systems of the golden
node to build the diskless image.
From the CLI
1. Start the HP Insight CMU CLI:
# /opt/cmu/cmucli
2. To create the diskless group, you must know the IP address and the kernel name of the golden
node used by the diskless nodes. To get the kernel name, use the probe_kernel command:
cmu> probe_kernel
cmu> add_logical_group <myTestImage> "2.6.9-42.ELsmp"
4.8.9 Adding nodes into the logical group
From the GUI
1. Select nodes to add to the diskless image logical group.
2. Click Add.
This creates the read/write directory for each node and the corresponding diskless image.
The more nodes you add, the longer this operation takes.
Figure 28 Adding nodes to logical groups
From the CLI
Add the node into the logical group as follows:
cmu> add_to_logical_group node1 noden to <myTestImage>
4.8 HP Insight CMU diskless environments 59