HP Insight Cluster Management Utility v7.1 User Guide

For more information about using and fine tuning collectl, see http://collectl.sourceforge.net/. Installing and configuring colplot for plotting collectl data
IMPORTANT: Do not to use this option for HP Insight CMU diskless configurations.
1. On the HP Insight CMU administration server, create an NFS export a directory to store
collectl data from compute nodes:
# mkdir /var/log/collectl
# vi /etc/exports
2. Add the following line:
/var/log/collectl *(rw,sync,no_all_squash,no_root_squash)
3. Refresh exports:
# exportfs -r
4. Install the collectl-utils package from the HP Insight CMU CDROM in tools/
NOTE: In order to install collectl-utils you must install the gnuplot rpm.
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
# cd /mnt/tools/collectl
# rpm -ivh collectl-utils-x.x-x.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:collectl-utils ########################################### [100%]
apache found, enabling it to run colplot...
creating /etc/httpd/conf.d/colplot.conf
creating /var/www/html/colplot
5. Copy colplot HTML files to the HP Insight CMU web directory. Those files are located in
different directories depending on whether your HP Insight CMU administration server runs a
Red Hat or SUSE distribution.
For Red Hat:
# cp -a /var/www/html/colplot /opt/cmu/www/colplot
# cp -a /srv/www/htdocs/colplot /opt/cmu/www/colplot
6. Change the default colplot plot directory to point to the common collectl directory:
# vi /etc/colplot.conf
#PlotDir = /opt/hp/collectl/plotfiles
PlotDir = /var/log/collectl
7. If not already done, install the collectl rpm on compute nodes:
# mount /dev/cdrom /mnt
# cd /mnt/tools/collectl
# rpm -ivh collectl-3.x.x-x.noarch.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
1:collectl ########################################### [100%]
8. Otherwise, if the collectl rpm is already installed, ensure that collectl is stopped:
# /etc/init.d/collectl stop
5.5 Tuning HP Insight CMU monitoring 83