HP Insight Control for Linux 7.0 Installation Guide

Table 11 Insight Control for Linux installation questions (continued)
Description and user actionQuestion
If the user name already exists, the existing password is overwritten by the password
specified here.
After Insight Control for Linux is installed and configured, you can change this default
user name and password on all or individual managed systems from the
ConfigureManagement ProcessorCredentials... menu item.
Supply an Insight Control for Linux collection name. The default collection name is
Insight Control for Linux
collection name
The Insight Control for Linux collection name is used as the prefix to create an Systems
Insight Manager collection and to create subcollections of other objects that are
managed and monitored by Insight Control for Linux tools. If you accept the default
collection name, the subcollections of managed objects are called: icelx_Servers,
icelx_Console_Ports, icelx_Enclosures, icelx_Hubs, and
The collection name is also used as a prefix to create internal names for all Insight
Control for Linux managed systems. These internal names facilitate easier referencing
of multiple managed systems when you are using Insight Control for Linux tools from
the command line. If you accept the default collection name, the managed systems
are named and numbered as follows: icelx1, icelx2, icelx3 and so on.
NOTE: Insight Control for Linux internal names are not exported in the /etc/hosts
file or DNS; they are only used by the Insight Control for Linux tools.
If you want to override the default collection name, choose a name that adheres to
the following guidelines:
Alphanumeric characters consisting of the following:
Upper- and lowercase letters A through Z and a through z
Numbers 0 (zero) through 9
NOTE: HP recommends a maximum of 12 characters in the collection name, but
nothing prevents you from using more characters.
Alphabetic first and last characters (the collection name cannot begin or end with
a number)
No hyphens (-), periods (.), spaces, or other special characters
You must enter root as the Systems Insight Manager user name. This root user is the
same as the root user on the Linux system.
Systems Insight Manager user
name and password
This user name and its password are used to import an SSL certificate into the Systems
Insight Manager trusted certificate pool. After the certificate is imported, Insight Control
for Linux monitoring software can communicate with Systems Insight Manager without
asking for a password. This password is not saved or stored on the CMS.
You only want to consider exporting the /hptc_cluster file system if you plan to
configure multiple management hubs other than the CMS.
Exporting the
/hptc_cluster file system
to the management hubs
Insight Control for Linux can manage and monitor as many as a thousand servers
through the use of management hubs, which are servers that are responsible for
monitoring a subset of managed systems.
By defining multiple servers to act as hubs, the monitoring load is distributed across
multiple servers. The general guideline is to assign one management hub for every
256 managed systems.
For a management hub to monitor clients, the management hubs must have access to
all managed systems and have access to the console port of each managed system.
Therefore, management hubs cannot be on a private network with no external access
to the managed systems.
If you elect to export the /hptc_cluster file system, the OS on the CMS and the
OS on the management hubs must be the same architecture type (that is, all 64-bit or
all 32-bit). Otherwise, the metric data cannot be viewed from the hub nodes.
5.2 Preparing for Insight Control for Linux installation questions 39