HP Insight Control Virtual Machine Management 6.2 User Guide

5 Managing virtual machines
Task: Logging virtual machine management logs into Windows NT Events
To log virtual machine management logs into Windows NT Events, perform the following:
1. Add or create the following to the hpvmmsvc.log4j file in the %VMM_INSTALL_FLODER%\bin\
location as %VMM_INSTALL_FLODER%\bin\hpvmmsvc.log4j:
#Enabling windows NT Events for HP Insight Control virtual machine management
log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG, stdout, NTE
# Output into windows event
log4j.appender.NTE.layout.ConversionPattern=%d | %5p | %t | %m%n
log4j.appender.NTE.source=Insight Control virtual machine management
2. Add the NTEventLogAppender.dll file in the %VMM_INSTALL_FLODER%\lib location.
NOTE: Download the latest version of Log4J and add it to the root folder. This includes the
NTEventLogAppender.dll file because it is bundled with log4j.jar.
3. Restart the virtual machine management service to log the virtual machine management messages into
Windows events.
CAUTION: When the Windows events for virtual machine management are enabled, more events
are generated.
Task: Handling pre-failure events
HP Systems Insight Manager detects certain pre-failure alerts and generates corresponding events. Insight
Control virtual machine management enables configuration of event handlers for these events. The following
actions might occur when handling pre-failure events in virtual machine management:
Host Maintenance Mode might be triggered.
Virtual machines might be moved to alternate hosts configured in virtual machine management if the
host is not in a DRS cluster.
NOTE: This is configured as part of the pre-failure alert configuration of virtual machine management. This
action is triggered when DRS is not configured and is handled by triggering a task in Systems Insight Manager.
This task is automatically triggered when the appropriate pre-failure alert (determined by the configuration)
enters Systems Insight Manager. To track the status of Systems Insight Manager tasks, click Tasks &
LogsView Task Results.
For the pre-failure events to work, you must have a system collection created in Systems Insight Manager.
To create a system collection, perform the following:
1. In the System and Event Collections panel, click Customize. The Customize Collections page
2. Click New... to create a new collection.
3. Select Choose members individually option.
4. In the Choose from dropdown list, select All Systems.
Task: Logging virtual machine management logs into Windows NT Events 25