HP Insight Control Virtual Machine Management 6.2 User Guide

DescriptionEvent type
The virtual machine has shutdown information.Virtual Machine Shutdown
The virtual machine has moved information.Virtual Machine Move
The virtual machine has backed up information.Virtual Machine Backup
The virtual machine has answered question information.Virtual Machine Answer Question
The virtual machine has recorded FastMove information.Virtual Machine FastMove
The virtual machine has deactivated a template.Virtual Machine Deactivate Template
A virtual machine has been added from the virtual machine host.Added a Virtual Machine
The virtual machine has registered a guest processor event from another machine.Virtual Machine Guest Threshold
The virtual machine has restored information from another machine.Virtual Machine Restore
Insight Control virtual machine management has begun copying a virtual machine.Begin Virtual Machine Copy
Virtual machine information has been recovered.Recover Virtual Machine
Insight Control virtual machine management did not complete moving a virtual machine.Abort Virtual Machine Move
The virtual machine has registered a host processor event.Virtual Machine Host Threshold
Virtual machine template information has been created.Virtual Machine Template
Virtual machine control information has been created.Virtual Machine Control
All virtual machine information has been recovered.Recover All Virtual Machines
The virtual machine activated the template information.Virtual Machine Activate Template
The virtual machine stopped information.Virtual Machine Stop
The virtual machine started information.Virtual Machine Start
Insight Control virtual machine management has begun moving a virtual machine.Begin Virtual Machine Move
Insight Control virtual machine management has finished moving a virtual machine.Finish Virtual Machine Move
The virtual machine has paused information.Virtual Machine Pause
A virtual machine has been removed.Removed a Virtual Machine
The virtual machine has reset information.Virtual Machine Reset
The virtual machine has resumed information.Virtual Machine Resume
The virtual machine has restarted.Virtual Machine Restart
The virtual machine has deployed template information.Virtual Machine Deploy Template
This event is received when user manually puts the host in Standby mode. Insight Control
virtual machine management does not listen to this event.
Entering Standby Mode Event
Set the node attribute to disable Systems Insight Manager monitoring.Drs Entering Standby Mode Event
This event is received when you manually put the host in Standby mode. Insight Control
virtual machine management does not listen to this event.
Entered Standby Mode Event
No action occurs as the host is still not in Standby mode. Insight Control virtual machine
management does not listen to this event.
Drs Entered Standby Mode Event
This event is received when you manually power on the host that is in Standby mode.
Insight Control virtual machine management does not listen to this event.
Exiting Standby Mode Event
No action occurs as the host has not exited from Standby mode. Insight Control virtual
machine management does not listen to this event.
Drs Exiting Standby Mode Event
This event is received when user manually powers on the host that is in Standby mode.
Insight Control virtual machine management does not listen to this event.
Exited Standby Mode Event
Set the node attribute to enable its monitoring by Systems Insight Manager.Drs Exited Standby Mode Event
This event is received when you manually power on the host that is in Standby mode.
Insight Control virtual machine management does not listen to this event.
Exit Standby Mode Failed Event
44 Virtual machine events