Backing up and restoring HP Insight Management 7.3 Central Management Server (Windows)

Technical white paper | HP Insight Management 7.3
**** Analysis: Update allocated IP Addresses. ****
**** Section 4 of 5, phase 3 of 4 ****
HP Matrix infrastructure orchestration maintains pools of available IP
addresses for each network. IP addresses allocated after the backup was taken
are marked as free in the restored database. In this phase you can mark these
IP addresses as in-use.
Checking BR-VM Network
1 DHCP addresses in use...........................................[OK]
Checking HPNet
0 DHCP, 2 Static IP addresses in use..............................[OK]
Comparing network data files with restored HP Matrix infrastructure
orchestration database............................................[ACTION]
ISSUE: The data files used to store network inventory are
newer than the restored HP Matrix infrastructure
orchestration database. Found additional IP addresses
in these files that are marked as in use.
RESOLUTION: A synchronization between the data files and the
database will be performed.
Identify additional IP addresses in use............................[INPUT]
ISSUE: New IP addresses might have been allocated since the
backup was taken.
RESOLUTION: You can specify dynamic and static IP addresses that
have been allocated since the backup was taken.
Modify the file "C:\Program Files\HP\Systems Insight
Manager\mxsync\data\IPAddresses.txt" to add them. It
contains the list of all in use IP addresses for each
ADVISORY: Failure to identify IP addresses that were allocated after
the backup was taken may result in two servers with the
same IP address. This will cause duplicate IP Addresses in
your environment.
Analysis summary:
4 checks performed
2 actions needed
1 action requires input
1 advisory
0 errors
Analysis completed successfully. You can choose to execute synchronization
actions now, or stop the synchronization process. If the synchronization
process is stopped, it can be restarted later.
>>> Would you like to perform the actions now? (Y/N): y
**** Execution: Update allocated IP Addresses. ****
**** Section 4 of 5, phase 3 of 4 ****
Adding to BR-VM Network:
2 new DHCP addresses
Adding to HPNet:
Static addresses: [,,,]
>>> Are you sure you want to add these IP addresses? (Y/N): y