HP Insight Management Agents 9.10 Managing ProLiant Servers with Linux HOW TO Whitepaper

B Troubleshooting
This section describes common problems that might occur during installation and operation of the
HP ProLiant Management Software for Linux.
Table 16 (page 31) describes issues and workarounds for the hp-health and hp-snmp-agents
packages. Any problems reported to HP should include the following files:
/var/log/boot.log (for Red Hat Linux distributions)
/var/log/warn (for SuSE LINUX distributions)
Table 16 Issues and workarounds for the hp-health and hp-snmp-agents packages
DetailsIssue Number
Non-certified machine / Unsupported ProLiant ServerIssue 1
When the hp-health rpm is installed, following message is displayed:Symptom
HP System Health Application will not be loaded
The Health Monitor cannot be initialized due to a conflict in ROM internal
tables, or the server is not supported. This driver is only supported on servers
that have the ProLiant Advanced Server Management (ASM) ASIC (PCI identifier
0x0e11a0f0, the Integrated Lights-Out Management ASIC (PCI identifier
0x0e11b203)) or the Integrated Lights-Out 2 ASIC (PCI identifier0x103c3302).
No other HP ProLiant servers are supported.
Verify that the appropriate ASM ASIC is present. Use the following commands
to perform the check:
cat /proc/bus/pci/devices | grep I 0e11a0f0
cat /proc/bus/pci/devices | grep I 0e11b203
cat /proc/bus/pci/devices | grep I 103c3302
cat /proc/bus/pci/devices | grep I 103c3307
One of these commands should succeed and return information. Also, check
to see if a later ROM version is available for this server.
No console messagesIssue 2
No console messages appear on the text screens (for instance, Ctrl+Alt+F1),
but the error messages get logged properly in /var/log/ messages.
If you run KDE or Gnome, xterms do not show the console messages
originating from the Health Monitor
The syslogd daemon is configured somewhat differently than other
distributions; the system messages do not appear on the lower digit terminals
If you do not want the message to be logged on the system, configure it
differently by modifying /etc/syslog.conf in the following way:
# Log all kernel messages to the console.
# Logging much else clutters up the screen. kern.*
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.