Microsoft Windows Event ID and SNMP Traps Reference Guide

Supporting SNMP Trap Data:
Supporting SNMP Trap Description: “Status is now [cpqTapePhyDrvCondition].
NT Event ID: 1121 (Hex)0x84350461 (cpqstmsg.dll)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Event Title: IDE Drive Status Degraded.
Log Message: The IDE drive %4 has a degraded status and should be scheduled for replacement.
SNMP Trap: cpqIdeDriveDegraded - 14001 in CPQIDE.MIB
Symptom: An IDE drive status has been set to degraded.
User Action: The drive should be scheduled for replacement. For detailed information on a
component replacement, see the appropriate Maintenance and Service Guide.
Supporting SNMP Trap Data:
Supporting SNMP Trap Description: “IDE drive [cpqIdeIdentIndex] has become degraded.
NT Event ID: 1122 (Hex)0x44350462 (cpqstmsg.dll)
Log Severity: Information (1)
Event Title: IDE Drive Status OK.
Log Message: The IDE drive %4 has returned to a normal operating condition.
SNMP Trap: cpqIdeDriveOk - 14002 in CPQIDE.MIB
Symptom: An IDE drive status has been set to OK.
User Action: None.
Supporting SNMP Trap Data:
Supporting SNMP Trap Description: “IDE drive [cpqIdeIdentIndex] has returned to normal operating
NT Event ID: 1145 (Hex)0xc4350479 (cpqstmsg.dll)
Log Severity: Error (3)
Event Title: External Array Logical Drive Status Change.
Log Message: Logical drive number %5 on array “%4” has a new status of %6.
SNMP Trap: cpqExtArrayLogDrvStatusChange - 16022 in CPQFCA.MIB
Symptom: External Array Logical Drive Status Change. This trap indicates that the agent has
detected a change in the status of an External Array logical drive. The variable cpqFcaLogDrvStatus
indicates the current logical drive status.
User Action: If the logical drive status is failed, examine the array for failed drives that need
36 Storage agents