Microsoft Windows Event ID and SNMP Traps Reference Guide

Log Message: Could not write the registry subkey: “%1”. This error can be caused by a corrupt
registry or a low memory condition. Rebooting the server may correct this error.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1283 (Hex)0x84350503 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: Could not read the registry subkey: “%1”. This error can be caused by a corrupt
registry or a low memory condition. Rebooting the server may correct this error.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1284 (Hex)0x84350504 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: Could not write the registry subkey: “%1”. This error can be caused by a corrupt
registry or a low memory condition. Rebooting the server may correct this error.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1285 (Hex)0x84350505 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: Could not write the registry subkey: “%1”. This error can be caused by a corrupt
registry or a low memory condition. Rebooting the server may correct this error.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1294 (Hex)0x8435050e (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: Unsupported storage system. The ProLiant storage system %1 is unsupported by this
version of the Storage Agents. Upgrade the agents to the latest version.
Event Identifiers 1343-4613
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1343 (Hex)0x8435053f (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: Duplicate SCSI port found in slot %1. The current system ROM may not support this
SCSI controller. You may need to update your system ROM.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1344 (Hex)0x84350540 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: A version mismatch has been detected with the SCSI device monitor driver
(CPQSDM.SYS). The current driver version is %1. Cause: You may not have rebooted after a
Storage Agents upgrade. Always reboot the system after installing agents.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll 1346 (Hex) 0x84350540 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: The SCSI controller on port %1 has been omitted. The SCSI Agent could not get the
slot data for the controller.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1792 (Hex)0x84350700 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: The SNMP Agent is unable to generate traps due to an error during initialization.
Cause: Check to Be sure that the SNMP service is running. Reinstalling the agents may fix this
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1795 (Hex)0x84350703 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
Log Message: The SNMP Agent is older than other components. The SNMP Agent is older than
the other components of the Storage Agents. Reinstall the entire Storage Agents package to correct
this error.
Event identifier: cpqstmsg.dll - 1796 (Hex)0x84350704 (Service Event)
Log Severity: Warning (2)
72 Storage agents