A.05.80 HP Insight Remote Support Advanced and Remote Device Access Security Overview (October 2012)

Protocol Ports Source Destination Function Configurable Optional
Web Browser
UDP 161 CMS Managed Systems SNMP. This is the standard port used by SNMP
agents on managed systems. The CMS sends
requests to devices on this port.
No Optional
TCP 3389 Customer's
Target System
Including CMS
Microsoft Remote Desktop Connection (RDC)
used for remote management by HP or customer
No Optional
TCP 280 Customer's
Web Browser
CMS HP SIM Web Server redirected to port 50000 No Optional
TCP 2301 Customer's
Web Browser
CMS HP SMH port for Insight Manager Web Agents;
HTTP (unencrypted) ? redirected to 2381
Yes Optional
TCP 7902 Customer's
Web Browser
CMS Legacy HTTP port used by the listener running in
the Director's Web interface. Used only to redirect
connecting Web browsers from this old port (used
before WEBES v5.0.1) to the new HTTPS port
7906. (e.g., http://target.sys.name.here:7902)
No Optional
TCP 7903 Customer's
Web Browser
CMS Communication between SEA's applet (running
inside the web browser) and the Director.
No Optional
TCP 7906 Customer's
Web Browser
CMS Secure HTTP (HTTPS) port used by the listener
running in the Director's Web Interface. The Web
browser connects to this port in the URL (e.g.
No Optional
UDP 162 Managed
CMS SNMP Trap. This is the standard port used by
SNMP managers for listening to traps.
No Optional
HP Insight Remote Support Advanced and Remote Device Access (A.05.80)Page 59 of 97
Security Overview
Appendix C: Summary of Network Ports for Servers