HP iLO 3 User Guide

iLO network Failed Flash Recovery
Most firmware upgrades finish successfully. In the unlikely event of server power loss during an
iLO firmware upgrade, iLO might be recoverable when power is restored.
When the computer is booting, the kernel performs image validation on the main image. If the
image is corrupted or incomplete, the kernel enters Failed Flash Recovery. Failed Flash Recovery
activates an FTP server within iLO. The FTP server enables you to send an image to iLO for
programming. The FTP server does not provide any other services.
A network client can connect to the FTP server. The user name for the connection is test, and the
password is flash. To send a firmware image to iLO, use the FTP client PUT command. After
receiving the image, iLO validates the image. If the image is a complete, signed, and valid firmware
image, the kernel begins programming the FLASH partition.
After the image is completely programmed into the FLASH partition, reset iLO by issuing the RESET
command to the iLO FTP server.
Connected to
220 FTP Recovery server ready.
User ( ftp
331 Password required.
231 Logged in.
ftp> put iLO3.bin
200 Ok.
150 ready for file
226-Checking file
226-File acceptable
226-Flashing 3% complete
226-Flashing 4% complete
226-Flashing 6% complete
226-Flashing 97% complete
226-Flashing 99% complete
226-Flashing 100% complete
226-Flashing completed
226 Closing file
ftp: 8388608 bytes sent in 1.38Seconds 6100.81 Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quote reset
221 Goodbye (reset).
Connection closed by remote host.
ftp> quit
Testing SSL
The following test checks for the correct security prompt. A nonworking server will proceed to a
Page cannot be displayed message. If this test fails, your domain controller is not accepting
SSL connections and probably has not been issued a certificate.
1. Open a browser and navigate to https://<domain controller>:636.
You can use <domain> instead of <domain controller>, which accesses the DNS and
determines which domain controller is handling requests for the domain. Test multiple domain
controllers to verify that all of them have been issued a certificate.
Troubleshooting miscellaneous issues 229