C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

#define _status_eq(x) ((x) == 0)
#define _status_ge(x) ((x) >= 0)
#define _status_gt(x) ((x) > 0)
#define _status_ne(x) ((x) != 0)
Before you can use these macros, you must include the tal.h header.
Note that you should avoid designing pTAL procedures that return a condition code because
that is an outdated programming practice. Guardian system procedures must retain this
interface for reasons of compatibility.
Parameter types
When creating an interface declaration for a non-C procedure, you must ensure that the
declared C type of a parameter matches the defined type of that parameter. The C compiler
cannot perform this task automatically, because it does not have direct access to each
language’s definition. The C compiler does, however, check that the type of an argument in
a call to a non-C procedure matches its corresponding parameter’s type. Ensuring that the C
and non-C types of a scalar parameter match is a simple task because most scalar types have
direct counterparts in C, as shown in Appendix D: Data Type Correspondence.
When you invoke a COBOL procedure, COBOL always returns void because the COBOL
language has no way to declare a COBOL program to be a function. Therefore, you must
always specify COBOL routines with type void.
Native COBOL programs use 32-bit addressing for all data items in the Extended-Storage
Section and all data items in the Linkage Section that are not described as having ACCESS
If the pTAL definition specifies the EXTENSIBLE attribute, the interface declaration must specify
If the pTAL definition specifies the VARIABLE attribute, the interface declaration must specify
1. This example, taken from the stdlib.h header file, shows the preferred style for declaring
an external routine (in this case, for the CRE_ASSIGN_MAXORDINAL_ procedure). The
declaration consists of a standard function prototype and a FUNCTION pragma:
void get_max_assign_msg_ordinal (void);
#pragma function get_max_assign_msg_ordinal
(alias(CRE_ASSIGN_MAXORDINAL_), extensible, tal)
The example above is equivalent to this interface declaration:
_extensible _tal _alias (CRE_ASSIGN_MAXORDINAL_)
get_max_assign_msg_ordinal (void);
2. This example, taken from the cextdecs header, shows the interface declaration for the
CHANGELIST system procedure. Notice that identifier names in the parameter type list are
optional, because C cares only about the types of the parameters:
_tal _variable _cc_status CHANGELIST(short, short, short);
3. This example shows you how to use the _cc_status type specifier while also using a function
prototype and a FUNCTION pragma to declare an external procedure.
Notice that the variable c_code is declared as type _cc_status so that it can be compared
against the condition code that is contained in the _status_eq() macro:
#include <tal.h> /* defines _cc_status and _status_eq */
_cc_status C_GETPOOL (short *pool_head,
long block_size,
long* block_addr);
124 Mixed-Language Programming for TNS/R and TNS/E Native Programs