C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Variadic Macros
Two variants of variadic macro definitions can be invoked in native C with a variable number of
arguments. To use these extensions, you must compile with extensions enabled.
One variant of variadic macro is the C9X form, described in section 6.8.3 of the Working
Draft, 1997-11-21, WG14/N794 J11/97-158 of the Proposed ISO C Standard.
For example:
#define D(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, __VA_ARGS__)
/* The "..." matches an arbitrary positive number of macro
arguments that can be referred to by __VA_ARGS__
(includes the separating commas) */
D("%c%s\n" , E, "DG");
/* Expands to "printf("%c%s\n", E, "DG");" */
/* Expands to "printf("EDG\n", );" -- note the extra comma*/
The other variant of variadic macro is the GNU form, provided by the GNU C compiler. This
variant adds to the C9X form the ability to name the variadic parameter and a special meaning
to the token pasting operator ("##"). When the operator is followed by an empty variadic
argument (named or not), the preceding parameter or continuous sequence of nonwhitespace
characters (not part of a parameter) is erased.
For example:
#define E(fmt, args...) printf (fmt, ## args)
E("%c%s\n", E, "DG");
/* Expands to "printf("%c%s\n", E, "DG");" */
/* Expands to "printf("EDG\n" );" -- no extra comma*/
Feature-Test Macros
The feature-test macros, shown in Table 27 determine whether a particular set of features will be
included from header files. Details about these macros follow this table.
Table 27 Predefined Feature-Test Macros
What It DefinesMacro
Defined when bool is a keyword (that is, when using C++ VERSION2 or
VERSION3 dialect)
Identifiers required to modify C headers for use by C++. (Note double
underscore.) This macro is automatically defined by the c89 or c99 command
when the -Wcplusplus flag is used.
Identifier used by the different versions of native C++:__CPLUSPLUS_VERSION
Has a value of 1 if compiling using the VERSION1 directive (using D40
Has a value of 2 if compiling using the VERSION2 directive (using D45
Has a value of 3 if compiling using the VERSION3 directive (using G06.20
Identifiers used by the C compiler running in the Guardian environment_GUARDIAN_HOST
Identifiers required for executing in the Guardian environment_GUARDIAN_TARGET
162 Preprocessor Directives and Macros