C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

The BASENAME option is intended for use only with the PROFGEN option and is supported only
by the TNS/E native compilers.
For more information about the code profiling and the use of the BASENAME and PROFUSE
options, see the Code Profiling Utilities Manual.
The BASENAME default settings are:
N.A.N.A.TNS C compiler
N.A.N.A.G-series TNS c89 utility
N.A.N.A.TNS/R native C and C++ compilers
Not setNot setNative c89 and c99 utilities
Not setNot setTNS/E native C and C++ compilers
Usage Guidelines
The BASENAME option can be entered only on the compiler RUN command. It can also be
specified with the -Wbasename flag in the c89 or c99 command in the OSS and Windows
In the OSS and Windows environments, the -Wbasename flag has an effect only for
-Wtarget=ipf or -Wtarget=tns/e. It is ignored (and no diagnostic is issued) for
-Wtarget=mips or -Wtarget=tns/r.
If the BASENAME option is specified on the compiler run command, the PROFGEN option
must also be specified.
If an application is compiled with the BASENAME option, then when the application is
recompiled with the PROFUSE option, the BASENAME option should also be specified;
otherwise, no code profiling is done and the compiler issues a warning message.
The BASENAME option is not allowed with the CODECOV option. If BASENAME and
CODECOV are specified on the same command line, a warning message is issued.
The BITFIELD_CONTAINER pragma provides the user a way to specify whether non-standard
types are allowed as bitfield containers.
-Wbitfield_container =value (OSS and Windows platform) and bitfield_container
=value ( Guardian platform)
value is defined as one of the following modes:
In this mode, bitfields are packed into 32-bit ints. The compiler does not accept bitfields larger
than 32-bits. The compiler gives an error for any bitfield declared to be of long long type.
(Unless –Wextensions are also specified.) The compiler returns a warning for other non-standard
integer types.
In this mode, bitfields whose base type is larger than 32-bit, are packed into 64-bit ints. All other
bitfields are packed into 32-bit ints. The compiler accepts long long and long bitfield types.
It also accepts up to 64-bits in length. The compiler continues to return a warning for other
non-standard integer types.
174 Compiler Pragmas