C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)
The LINES pragma specifies the maximum number of output lines per page for the compiler listing
LINES lines_per_page
specifies the maximum number of text lines per page for the listing file. lines_per_page
must be an integer in the range 10 through 32767.
The pragma default settings are:
LINES 60LINES 60TNS C compiler
LINES 60LINES 60G-series TNS c89 utility
LINES 60LINES 60TNS/R native C and C++ compilers
LINES 66LINES 66Native c89 and c99 utilities
LINES 60LINES 60TNS/E native C and C++ compilers
Usage Guideline
For native C and C++. the LINES pragma must be entered on the compiler RUN command line.
For OSS, the LINES pragma can be specified with the -Wlines flag of the c89 or the c99 utility.
The LINKFILE pragma invokes the appropriate linker and specifies a command file to be passed
to either:
• The nld utility when working with conventional code
• The eld or ld utility when working with PIC (Position-Independent Code), as when compiling
a dynamic-link library (DLL)
LINKFILE "file-name"
specifies a valid command file for the eld utility, the ld utility, or the nld utility.
• For syntax and semantics of eld command files, see the eld Manual.
• For syntax and semantics of ld command files, see the ld Manual.
• For syntax and semantics of nld command files, see the nld Manual.
The pragma default settings are:
N.A.N.A.TNS C compiler
N.A.N.A.G-series TNS c89 utility
Not setNot setTNS/R native C and C++ compilers
N.A.N.A.Native c89 and c99 utilities
Not setNot setTNS/E native C and C++ compilers