C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Usage Guidelines
This pragma is valid only for TNS/R-targeted compilations.
The SRLName pragma is used to determine whether a SRLExportClassMembers pragma
provides a definition or a declaration for its exported functions.
The SRLName pragma must appear in the source file before any SRLExportClassMembers
// inc.h
struct s {
static int a,b,c; int d;
static static_fcn(){};
#pragma SRLExportClassMembers SRL_1 \
(s(), foo(), goo(), goo(int))
// SRL_1.C
// This provides the code for the exported member
// functions of s.
#pragma SRLName SRL_1
#include "inc.h" // This causes the member function of
// s to be defined
To compile:
c89 -Wsrl -c SRL_1.C
// client.C
#include "inc.h"
// Member functions exported by s are
// only declared - no definition is provided.
To compile:
c89 client.C SRL_1.o
The SSV pragma specifies a list of search subvolumes (SSVs) to be searched for files specified in
#include directives.
In general, the subvolumes are searched in the order specified in the search subvolume list, starting
with SSV0, then SSV1, and so on.
SSVn { "[node.]$volume" }
{ "[$volume.]subvolume" }
{ "[node.]$volume.subvolume"}
is the order in which to search the subvolumes; n is a number in the range 0 through 49.
is the name of the node to search.
244 Compiler Pragmas