C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

using the library mylib.a before using the standard library libc.a. The -O flag causes
invocation of the Accelerator on the program file.
8. In this example, c89 produces a program made up of modules compiled for both the Guardian
and OSS environments:
c89 -Wsystype=guardian -o guard.o -c guard1.c guard2.c
The command compiles the source files guard1.c and guard2.c for the Guardian
environment and generates an object file guard.o. The -c flag suppresses the binding phase.
The command:
c89 oss1.c oss2.c guard.o
compiles the source files oss1.c and oss2.c for the OSS environment, binds the resulting
object files with the object file guard.o to generate the program file a.out.
272 Compiling, Binding, and Accelerating TNS C Programs