C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

TNS/E native object code that runs on TNS/E servers; TDS PC cross compiler produces TNS/R
native object code that runs on TNS/R servers.
You can invoke the cross compiler from the command line (DOS prompt):
If you are using the native C/C++ cross compiler named c89, version G06.14 and later.
If you are using the native C/C++ cross compiler named c99.
The command-line input format is similar to that of c89 on the OSS platform.
You can embed SQL/MP or SQL/MX statements into native mode C/C++ source code from the
command-line. You need to specify the host, user logon, and NonStop server location (Guardian
subvolume or OSS directory). For more details, see:
The online help for NSDEE, ETK, or TDS
The HTML help file for ETK named “Using Command-Line Cross Compilers on Windows
SQL/MP Programming Manual for C
SQL/MX Progamming Manual for C and COBOL
pTAL Cross Compiler
The optional (for ETK and TDS) pTAL cross compiler compiles pTAL code that runs on TNS/R
NonStop servers. The pTAL cross compiler:
Targets only the Guardian environment, not OSS
Can produce:
Object files suitable for input to the TNS/R native linker
Executable files suitable for running on TNS/R systems
These files are identical, except for embedded file names, to objects and executable files
created on other platforms by the pTAL compiler.
Accepts compiler and linker options that you select through the Project command on the
Options menu
Does not support embedded SQL statements
Can produce dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), static libraries, or user libraries
For more details about pTAL, see the pTAL Programmer’s Guide.
EpTAL Cross Compiler
The optional (for ETK or TDS) EpTAL cross compiler compiles EpTAL code that will run on TNS/E
NonStop servers. The EpTAL cross compiler:
Targets only the Guardian environment, not OSS
Can produce either:
Object files suitable for input to the eld linker
Executable files suitable for running on TNS/E systems
These files are identical, except for embedded file names, to objects and executable files
created on other platforms by the EpTAL compiler.
Accepts compiler and linker options that you select through the Project command on the
Options menu
Does not support embedded SQL statements
Can produce dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), static libraries, or user libraries
316 Using the Native C/C++ Cross Compiler on the PC