C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

unknown pragma directive pragma
The compiler encountered an invalid pragma directive. This message is a warning message.
#error message-text-you-specify
The #error preprocessor directive allows you to force a compilation error and designate the
text of the error message. This error message is printed as the message text of error 150.
macro-name has been replaced once, no further replacement
During the macro expansion phase, if macro-name is encountered and if macro-name is the
same as that of the expanding macro, macro-name is not expanded, to avoid infinite looping
of a recursive call.
This message is a warning message.
missing ending quote
The C compiler encountered a string literal that does not have an ending quotation mark (").
A ## preprocessing token shall not occur at the beginning or at the end
of a replacement list
A ## preprocessor operator occurs at the beginning or at the end of a replacement list. The
binary operator ## is used in macro definitions. It allows you to concatenate two tokens, and
therefore cannot occur at the beginning or at the end of the macro definition.
A # preprocessing token must be followed by a parameter
A # preprocessor operator occurs without an accompanying parameter. The unary operator #
is used only with function-like macros, which take arguments. When the # operator precedes a
formal parameter in the macro definition, the actual argument passed by the macro invocation
is enclosed in quotation marks and treated as a string literal.
ambiguous directive
When you specify a compiler pragma, you can abbreviate the pragma name. However, you
need to specify enough letters in the abbreviated pragma name to make the name unique with
respect to all the other C compiler pragma names. For example, there is the SEARCH pragma
and the SECTION pragma. To enter a unique abbreviation for SEARCH use SEA and for SECTION
348 TNS C Compiler Messages