C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Table 73 lists the warning messages emitted by the native C++ compiler when the pragmas
VERSION2 and MIGRATION_CHECK are specified in the RUN command for the compiler. Messages
listed here are current at time of publication; see the appropriate VERSION2 headers online for
current messages on your system.
Using MIGRATION_CHECK causes the compiler to examine the source file to find instances of
functions from the VERSION2 C++ library that are not supported in the VERSION3 library. The
warning messages highlight elements that need to be examined and rewritten using the VERSION3
library. The compiler does not generate an object file when MIGRATION_CHECK is specified.
Code Examples (page 456)show a “Hello World” C++ program written in VERSION2 code and
in VERSION3 code, in addition to the MIGRATION_CHECK output for the VERSION2 code.
For more details, see the:
pragma MIGRATION_CHECK (page 217)
pragma VERSION3 (page 255)
Table 73 MIGRATION_CHECK Warning Messages
NotesWarnings Displayed
Class/Member Function
algorithm: VERSION3 header file
User programs should not make direct calls to any of the functions whose names have a prefix of a double-underscore
(__) or a single-underscore (_). These are helper functions for internal use only. A warning is issued if any of these
functions are used.
bitset: VERSION3 header file
1. ‘bitset (const bitset<N>&
rhs) throw((out_of_range,
class bitset1
invalid_argument))' is not
supported in version 3.
2. bool valid_position (size_t
pos) const throw()' is not
supported in version 3.
3. 'unsigned long index
(size_t pos) const throw()' is
not supported in version 3.
4. 'const size_t bitset_size'
is is not supported in version
5. 'bool
valid_position(size_t)' is not
supported in version 3
6. 'unsigned long
index(size_t)' is not
supported in version 3
7. Field 'size_t
bitset::bistset_size' is not
supported in version 3
8. Constructor
bitset<N>&)' is not