C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Table 73 MIGRATION_CHECK Warning Messages (continued)
NotesWarnings Displayed
Class/Member Function
Equivalent implementation of
rwexcept is found in
exception in Version 3.
rwnew: VERSION2 header file
Equivalent implementation of
rwnew is found in new in
Version 3.
None.class RWSTDExport
rwstdex: VERSION2 header file
Version 3 implements all these
classes in file stdexcept. No
warning messages issued.
1. class RWSTDExport logic_error
2. class RWSTDExport domain_error
3. class RWSTDExport length_error
4. class RWSTDExport out_of_range
5. class RWSTDExport runtime_error
6. class RWSTDExport range_error
7. class RWSTDExport overflow_error
set: VERSION3 header file
1. No equivalent function in
version 3.
1. 'struct ident' is not
supported in version 3.
struct ident1
2. No equivalent constructor
is defined in Version 3.
2. 'set (const set<Key,
Compare, Allocator>& x)' is
not supported in version 3.
class set2
3. No equivalent function in
Version 3.
3. 'size_type allocation_size
()' is not supported in version
4. No equivalent class is
defined in Version 3.
4. 'size_type
new_size)' is not supported
in version 3.
5. No equivalent constructor
is defined in Version 3.
5. 'multiset (const
multiset<Key, Compare,
class multiset3
Allocator>& x)' is not
supported in version 3.
6. No equivalent function in
Version 3.
6. 'size_type
allocation_size()' is not
supported in version 3.
7. No equivalent function is
defined in Version 3.
7. 'size_type
new_size)' is not supported
in version 3.
stack: VERSION3 header file
Version 2 library: template
<class T, class Container,
class Allocator>.
1. class stack: Template
class stack1
Version 3 library:
template<class _Ty, class
_Container = deque<_Ty>.