C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)
Passing pointers to constants, 144
PC cross compiler;Native compilers
C/C++ PC cross compiler, 316
pe_heap_max value, 200
Physical file types, 73
PIC (Position-Independent Code)
Call shared, 177
Example, 298, 310
for ld or eld linker, 170
for TNS/E native, 167
Non shared, 222
shared, 237
with libraries, 295, 308
Platform, 261
Pointer modifiers, 59
implicit casts, 61
null, 385
pTAL and C guidelines, 136
TAL and C guidelines, 112
uninitialized, 385
unions of, 386
user-defined features native C, 397
user-defined features TNS C, 409
POP pragma, 228
Portability, 45, 47
PR0FDIR pragma, 228
PRAGMA directive, 160
compiler pragmas, 166
See also individual pragmas, 166
TNS C++, 420
Predefined macros, 160
Predefined symbols, 161
Preemptable object code, generating, 198
definition, 30, 153
directives, 153
directives user-defined features TNS C, 410
directives user-defined features TNS/R native C, 398
feature-test macros, 162
operators, 164
predefined macros, 160
predefined symbols, 161
Primary process, 76
PROC parameter type
passing C routines to pTAL, 138
passing C routines to TAL, 116
passing pTAL routines to C, 138
passing TAL routines to C, 115
PROC(32) parameter type
passing C routines to TAL, 116, 138
passing TAL routines to C, 115, 138
Process pairs, 76
description of, 73
Production systems, 385
PROFDIR compiler option, 228
PROFGEN compiler option, 229
PROFUSE compiler option, 229
initialization, 320
startup, 320
termination, 322
Programming practices, 46
considerations, 56, 125
cross compiler, 316
data types, 127
pTAL and C guidelines
arrays of structures , 136
identifiers , 125
pTAL calling C, 127
PUSH pragma, 230
putenv() function, 322
Redefinitions, TAL and C guidelines, 112, 136
REFALIGNED pragma, 231
Register storage class specifier, 398, 409
REMARKS pragma, 232
Reserved keywords, extensions, 49
rld utility
DLLs, 307
example, 298, 310
Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library, 84, 85
ROUND (default) misalignment handling method, 385
Rounding down addresses
definition of, 383
in C/C++ programs, 385
RUN command syntax
C compiler, 277
Cfront, 277
Cprep, 275
syntax CCOMP/CPPCOMP , 305
syntax NMC /NMCPLUS , 292
syntax RUN, 319
syntax TACL, 263
environment, 97, 267
libraries, 144, 268, 320, 420
Run-time:errors and warnings;, 363
Run-time:libraries initialization;, 307
Binder, 281
guidelines CALL_SHARED, 177
guidelines LINKFILE, 214
guidelines NON_SHARED, 222
guidelines VERSION1, 253
guidelines VERSION3, 257
RUNNABLE, 232, 292
with Cprep, 274
with TNS C, 277
RUNNAMED pragma, 233
Running a C program, 319, 320
rwstdex header, 85
470 Index