C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Several Standard C++ Library header files have been renamed in the VERSION2 implementation
for TNS/R-targeted compilations (the Guardian names, inside parentheses, are derived from the
first seven letters plus the last letter of the header file name):
Name in VERSION2 Standard C++ Library (TNS/R-targeted
Compilations only)Documented Name
rwexcept (RWEXCEPT)exception (EXCEPTIN)
rwnew (RWNEW)new (NEW)
rwstdex (RWSTDEX)stdexcept (STDEXCET)
This renaming avoids conflicts between the C++ run-time header files and the Rogue Wave Standard
C++ Library header files.
If you are using the Rogue Wave Standard C++ Library (VERSION2), for an application targeted
for TNS/R systems, specify the header files listed here that begin with RW (that is, RWEXCEPT
instead of EXCEPTION, RWNEW instead of NEW, and RWSTDEX instead of STDEXCEPT). If you are
using this library for TNS/E-targeted compilations, use the standard names. Logic has been built
into the header files to redirect your calls to the version of the library you are using.
Examples of VERSION2 Headers
NOTE: Regardless of the version of the library you are using, the standard header files in the
G06.23 or subsequent RVU automatically redirect calls to the appropriate header file.
1. Specifying the header-file name new includes new.h from the C++ run-time library in the HP
implementation (not the header new in the Standard C++ Library).
#include <new>
//includes header "new,h" from C++ Run-time Library V2 (T0179)
2. Specifying the header-file name rwnew includes both new.h and the header file rwnew from
the Standard C++ Library (as renamed for the HP implementation).
#include <rwnew>
//includes standard header "new.h in addition to new"
(renamed rwnew) from //Standard C++ Lib (T5895)
3. Specifying the header-file name stdexcept includes stdexcept in the C++ run-time library
in the HP NonStop implementation (not the header file stdexcept, renamed rwstdex, in
the Standard C++ Library).
#include <stdexcept>
//includes header "stdexcept" from C++ RTL V2 (T0179)
4. Specifying the header-file name rwstdex includes the header file stdexcept from the
Standard C++ Library (as renamed for the HP implementation).
#include <rwstdex>
//includes header "stdexcept" from Standard C++ Lib V2 (T5895)
VERSION2 Standard C++ Library Example Files
Example files provided with the VERSION2 Standard C++ Library are located in $SYSTEM.ZLIBCPL
on the NonStop system.
Table 17 VERSION2 Standard C++ Library Example Files
Description of ContentsExample File
MAKE file for the examples. It is an OBEY command file.MAKEEXAM
Macro used by MAKEEXAM to build each test. You need to modify this file to reflect
your own environment.
Installation Notes for VERSION2 85