C/C++ Programmer's Guide (G06.27+, H06.08+, J06.03+)

Generic collection classes
Smalltalk-like collection classes
XDR streams for the OSS environment
Other features of interest include:
RWFile class encapsulates standard file operations.
B-tree disk retrieval uses B-trees for efficient keyed access to disk records.
File Space Manager allocates, deallocates, and coalesces free space within a file.
A complete error handling facility takes advantage of C++ exceptions.
Additional classes include bit vectors, virtual I/O streams, cache managers, and virtual
Support has been added for IEEE floating-point arithmetic in version 7 of Tools.h++. Any
routines that use float variables will automatically use the correct floating-point format,
determined by the floating-point format you have specified. For more details, see pragma
IEEE_FLOAT (page 203).
Migration Considerations for Version 7
Version 7 and version 6.1 are significantly different and are binarily incompatible. The collection
class templates were reengineered between the two versions to make the templates compatible
with the Standard C++ Library (VERSION2).
If you choose to move to version 7 and you have applications that were built using any earlier
version of Tools.h++, you must recompile those programs.
To migrate existing code from version 6.1 to version 7, these code adjustments are required for
specific classes:
Extra template arguments are required for hashed and sorted collections. Use the predefined
macro RWDefHArgs or RWDefCArgs to provide the additional template arguments.
Different constructor arguments are required for hashed collections. You must use a hash object
(an object that provides a hash function through a public member function) rather than a
hashing function. Use the provided templatized object, RWTHasher<T>, which builds a hash
object from a hash function.
Element types in some collections may require less-than semantics (operator <()). This
requirement is due to the inclusion of member functions based on the Standard C++ Library,
such as sort().
Class hierarchies have changed. In version 7, there are no inheritance relationships among
the standard-library-based collection class templates. If your code constructs an
RWTValHashTableIterator from an RWTValHashSet, you should use an
RWTValHashSetIterator instead.
Detailed migration information is available in Chapter 11 of the user guide portion of the Tools.h++
Manual Version 7.
Installation Notes
On an HP NonStop system, the Tools.h++ library is delivered on the site update tape (SUT), and
the files are installed on $SYSTEM. No user installation is required. On the PC, Tools.h++ is included
on the CD for the Native C/C++ compiler.
92 Accessing Middleware Using HP C and C++ for NonStop Systems