CORBA 2.6.1 Administration Guide

following error:
ERROR! Shared library ioser12 could not be found.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: specialLoadClass at
( at
com.blazesoft.engines.rules.NdRuleAgent.initialize(:3877) at AuthorizerRuleAgent.instantiate(, Compiled Code)
at AuthorizerServer.<init>(,
Compiled Code)
at AuthorizerServer.main(, Compiled Code)
JorbLite 2.6 works correctly with Sun’s JDK 1.2.2, and the third-party application (in this case, the Blaze Rules Engine) works correctly with JDK
1.2.2, but when you execute them together, an error occurs.
Solution: Use Sun’s JDK 1.3, because this error refers to a Java runtime library (
ioser12.dll) not present in JDK 1.2.2.
First, set the following environment variables:
JDK13_HOME contains Sun’s JDK 1.3 home directory
JORBLITE_HOME contains JorbLite 2.6 home directory
CLASSPATH contains the third party JAR files
Then the following command line will work:
AuthorizerServer %* -ORBlitedbm %JORBLITE_HOME%\lib\lite.dbm -ORBprofile tcp_server
Explanation: The third-party application (in this case, the Blaze Rules Engine) and JorbLite 2.6 have a conflict in the use of CORBA libraries.
When JorbLite is installed on the workstation, it replaces the CORBA classes provided by Sun’s JDK with the CORBA classes provided by
JorbLite. Some third-party applications require the CORBA classes provided by Sun's JDK and therefore cannot execute inside a CORBA server
running on a workstation using JorbLite 2.6.
Cannot Stop CORBA Server
Problem: You want to stop a CORBA server, but pressing Control-C doesn’t work. From OutsideView, you click Session->Break to send a
Break signal, but the server does not stop, and you get the following message:
/home/ecrm/stack: java Server -ORBprofile tcp_server
wrote object reference to file stack.ior
Full thread dump Classic VM (T0083V20_30MAR2001_jdk122_V20AAG, posix threads):
Monitor IO lock: <unowned>
Thread queue lock: owner "Signal dispatcher" (0x91c5d58) 1 entry
Solution: Press Control-Z (that is, press CTRL and Z at the same time) to put the server process in the background. You should get back the
command prompt and see output similar to this:
[1] + Stopped java Server -ORBprofile tcp_server
Then, kill the server using the “kill” command:
kill %1
You should see the following message:
[1] + Terminated java Server -ORBprofile tcp_server
If you do not see this message immediately, press “Enter” a few times.
Explanation: NonStop Java 2.0, running JDK 1.2.2, changed the behavior of the JVM in response to a Break signal is sent to stop a program.
The workaround is to use Ctrl-Z to put the server process in the background. The output of the Ctrl-Z command shows the process number is
and displays that the process is stopped. However, the process is still running in the background. (You could verify this fact with the
command.) To stop the process completely, you must use the kill command with the process number. The output of the kill command shows
that the process is now terminated. (If you gave the
ps command, the output would not include the process.)
Cannot Run Client (COMM_FAILURE)
Problem: When you try to run the client, you get the COMM_FAILURE error message:
/home/ecrm/stack: java Client
read stack.ior
Unexpected system exception during full operation.
org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: Broken connection minor code: 1314063336 completed: No
Solution: Verify that the server is still running. If the server is stopped for any reason, the client displays this error message. Restart the server,
and then run the client again.
Explanation: The simplest case for the COMM_FAILURE error message is that the client tries to connect to a nonexistent server and fails.
This error message also can arise in many other situations due to incorrect configuration, as in the following examples.
Problem: When you run the client, you get the COMM_FAILURE error message. However, the server’s OutsideView window shows that the